Who & What


A showcase of my works

Here are some of my research experience.


What I'm good at

Here shows the professional skills and personal skills that I have.

Electrical Circuit and PCB Design

Rich experience in electrical circuit and PCB design, especially for embedded micro-controller, have a good knowledge of softwares including: Altium Designer, Pspice, Multisim, OrCAD, etc.

Control Theory

Many experiences in control theory including PID, sliding mode control, etc. Experienced in controlling many sorts of motors, servos, valves: dc motor, induction motor, stepping motor, analog servo, digital servo, etc.

Robotics Architecture

Many experiences in robotics architecture design. Do well in softwares: Solidworks, AutoCAD, etc.


Multiple programming language and tools, including C, Matlab, Matlab Simulink, R, C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Arduino, etc. Development environment: Ubuntu, ROS, etc.

Wireless Communication & Sensors

Experienced in many kinds of wireless communication: bluetooth, 2.4G, WiFi, 433M. Experienced in many sensors and devices: curvature sensor, force sensor, ultrasound, voice, etc.


Patience, persistence, strong pressure resistance, group work, comprehend the new knowledge quick, etc.


Overall evaluation from professors and colleagues


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me 🙂



My location

Worcester, Massachusetts, United States



@Zhenyu Wan


@Zhenyu Wan




@Zhenyu Wan